Welcome to our Diamond Bridal Package! Embrace stunning henna designs on both hands, extending below the elbow and above the ankle. You can choose your design, ensuring a beautiful addition to your special day.

Our Diamond Bridal Package ranges from £150 to £250, depending on the intricacy and detail of the selected designs.

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Prep & Tips
  • If you exfoliate regularly, STOP exfoliating about 3 days before your appointment.

  • REMOVE HAIR if you’re comfortable. Even little invisible hairs can prevent the henna from making full contact with your skin - leading to uneven stains.

  • ARRANGE FOR HELP if you’re having your palms or feet done. You might need someone else to drive for you, help you to the restroom, get food etc.

  • AVOID LOTIONS/OILS that day. These interfere with the henna stain.

  • SPRAY TANS should be done at least 24 hrs after the henna. They don’t play well together and the stain will be lighter either way.

  • DRESS in clothes that let you leave your skin uncovered for 6-12 hours. For example, if you want a shoulder piece wear a sleeveless/strapless top.

  • STAY WARM while the paste is on. Henna loves warm skin and it will really help it darken! In colder months, sit near a space heater or use a heating pad. It really makes a difference!

  • LEAVE THE DRIED PASTE ON for 6-12 hours. You can sleep with it on overnight, too. If you do, wrap it in something breathable such as Mefix tape, aftercare wrap or even toilet paper with a sock over it.

    • DON’T use Saran / cling wrap. It's not breathable and can encourage sweating. Sweat = runny henna!

    • DON’T try to shower/bathe while the paste is still on your skin. It can smear or drip.

  • AFTER 6-12 HRS, gently pick/scrape off. No water! You can rub a little mustard oil into it and let sit a few minutes to soften. Then use a dry washcloth to remove.

  • AVOID WATER on the fresh stain for 24 hours after removing the paste.