The GOLD Bride
Welcome to our Gold Bridal Henna Package! Revel in exquisite henna designs on both sides of both hands, extending three inches above the wrists and adorning the top of the feet below the ankle. You can choose your design, embracing this elegant addition to your special day. Our GOLD services range from £80 to £150, depending on the complexity and detail of the designs you choose.
Prep & Tips
If you exfoliate regularly, STOP exfoliating about 3 days before your appointment.
REMOVE HAIR if you’re comfortable. Even little invisible hairs can prevent the henna/jagua from making full contact with your skin - leading to uneven stains.
ARRANGE FOR HELP if you’re having your palms or feet done. You might need someone else to drive for you, help you to the restroom, get food etc.
AVOID LOTIONS/OILS that day. These interfere with the henna stain.
SPRAY TANS should be done at least 24 hrs after the henna/jagua. They don’t play well together and the stain will be lighter either way.
DRESS in clothes that let you leave your skin uncovered for 6-12 hours. For example, if you want a shoulder piece wear a sleeveless/strapless top.
STAY WARM while the paste is on. Henna loves warm skin and it will really help it darken! In colder months, sit near a space heater or use a heating pad. It really makes a difference!
LEAVE THE DRIED PASTE ON for 6-12 hours. You can sleep with it on overnight, too. If you do, wrap it in something breathable such as Mefix tape, aftercare wrap or even toilet paper with a sock over it.
DON’T use Saran / cling wrap. It's not breathable and can encourage sweating. Sweat = runny henna!
DON’T try to shower/bathe while the paste is still on your skin. It can smear or drip.
AFTER 6-12 HRS, gently pick/scrape off. No water! You can rub a little mustard oil into it and let sit a few minutes to soften. Then use a dry washcloth to remove.
AVOID WATER on the fresh stain for 24 hours after removing the paste.